Flea Control in Bamberg, Sc
Fleas can be a huge problem and a major pain to get rid of. These tiny biting bugs can cause all sorts of troubles for homeowners in Bamberg, Sc. So where do they come from and how do we prevent them?
How do we get fleas in the first place?
Well, let's begin by discussing one of the most common causes of fleas....our furry companions. Many people have pets, but of course, with our beloved animals can also come flea issues.
These blood-sucking parasites will attach themselves to any warm-blooded animal, and although blood is their main source of food, they will also feed off of rotting plants, deceased animals, and even feces! Fleas can carry diseases that can be transmitted to their hosts.
Did you know that these pests were responsible for the bubonic plague also known as Black Death during the middle ages? Fleas would bite rodents that were infected with the Bubonic Plague and would then pass on the infection to people, and they can still transfer this disease to humans today.
Even though pets often get the blame for bringing fleas into the home, it's usually rodents that are responsible for bringing fleas onto your property.
Even squirrels can be carriers of fleas and be one of the reasons for bringing fleas into your yard. Fleas hide in tall grass and when we or our animals are outside they can latch on and hop a free ride inside the house.
When fleas attach themselves to an animal they quickly lay eggs. These eggs stay on the animal’s skin until they get thrown or shaken off which can be one of the causes of flea infestations.
What can we do to prevent fleas?
One of the first places to start is by dealing with our furry friends. Speak with your pet's veterinarian about prescribing them flea and tick medication. This can be beneficial in preventing fleas from laying their eggs on your pets and can help protect your home from flea infestations.
Next, try to keep wild animals from coming into your yard. There are several strategies that you can do to help with this issue since, as we stated before, wild animals are the main reason you have fleas in the yard, to begin with. Below is a list of ways to help prevent wild animals from visiting your yard.
- Make sure to keep your grass cut
- Place a 2-foot wide metal collar around trees, at least six to eight feet off the ground
- Keep all birdseed and pet food stored in containers that are animal proof
- Make your birdfeeders hard to climb
- Clean up trash and debris or clutter that may be lying around
- Place all outdoor trash in secure trash bins
These tips can be beneficial in limiting unwanted animals and fleas. If you live in or around Bamberg, Sc, and are dealing with flea infestations in your home or yard and need help or assistance, call the experts at Gressette Pest Management today!